Interested in diving?
Fancy a try dive?
We offer try dives to those interested in diving. The try dive session is carried out at a local pool.
You will have a one-hour session where one of our club instructors will talk you through everything and then you will have a try dive in the pool. The club provides all equipment for the try dive, all you need to bring is:
- your swimming shorts
- a rash vest or T-shirt to wear in the pool
- a towel for afterwards
- your try dive medical form (see below)
After you have completed your try dive you will receive a BSAC Try Dive certificate.
The cost for a try dive is £25* per person and we request payment in full prior to the try dive.
*If you learn to dive with us within 12-months of completing a try dive with us, we will deduct the £25 try dive cost off of your Ocean Diver training fee. For more information on learning to dive with us see ‘Joining us as a trainee diver’.
Book your try dive
Please email us if you are interested in booking a try dive. We will agree a date for your try dive, and provide payment details.
Medical form
You will need to complete a Try Dive medical form, which you can download here. Please print it out, fill it in and bring it along with you.
Group discounts
We are able to offer a discounted rate for clubs/groups looking to carry out a group session try dive. Please contact us and we’ll speak with you directly.