As well Sunday club diving day the boat also gets out on other days, with our more experienced divers and boat handlers organising mid-week and Saturday dives.
Suitably qualified members can organise boat diving on any day. Typically they would announce the intended dive plan via Whatapps, with a respond-by deadline inviting interested members to reserve their space. When the organiser messages the club with their plan, they must also state minimum qualification required. The organiser will most probably limit the number of spaces to one boat load, which is 8 spaces, and these spaces are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The organiser must be qualified to a minimum of Dive Leader and have a boat handling qualification. There must be a minimum of one other Dive Leader and boat handler onboard. The organiser must ensure those who have put their names down are suitably qualified, experienced, and dive-fit for the intended dive. They must also liaise with the DO to inform them of their plan.
The club makes a charge per boat dive to cover the day’s fuel and launching costs. The amount charged varies, depending on the distance the boat travels to the dive site.